Tuesday, January 24, 2017

New Hope for America - Women

Journalism is defined as “writing characterized by a direct presentation of facts or description of events without an attempt at interpretation.” Such a definition has been watered down in an age of editorialized TV news more interested in profit than accuracy, and with the growth of outrageous “fake news” sources such as Fox News, an entertainment agency and GOP propaganda mouthpiece, and Breitbart, the mothership for extreme right wing conspiracy theories and other falsehoods masquerading as reality.

Somehow the right wing has confused fiction with fact, opinion with reality, and the wildest imaginings with truth, and we end up with a fully armed, ready for anything, well-intentioned right wing zealot showing up at a pizza parlor to investigate what he’d read online about a child porn ring being run there by Hillary Clinton. And he was terribly puzzled that he didn’t find anything he expected, because he totally believed it.

We also end up with a new American president at war with the media because they print the facts about him. The observable facts, obvious to anyone with eyes and any level of brain in their head. So when every real news organization in the world showed a photograph of Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, with every spot of earth in the image covered with bodies, and right next to it, a photo of Mr. Trump’s inauguration taken from the same spot, showing an obviously much smaller crowd (even after reports that Trump had staffers out trying to give away tickets and coerce people into attending), Trump proceeded to throw a hissy fit about the dishonest media. Meanwhile, one expert in crowd sizes told the NYT he estimated Trump’s turnout to be about a third of Obama’s 2009 crowd.

Somehow, the truth seems to hurt Mr. Trump terribly, and he dispatched his new Press Secretary to deal with the “dishonest media” on this matter. “White House press secretary Sean Spicer launched into a tirade against the media Saturday, slamming what he said was unfair reporting of the attendance of President Donald Trump's inauguration, along with other criticisms.” (from CNN)  It seems like Mr. Trump and his team still didn’t understand the difference between “unfair” reporting and factual, accurate, reality-based reporting. You know, Journalism.

The next day, though, it all became clear when Mr. Trump’s special advisor Kellyanne Conway went on NBC’s Meet the Press and laid into the host for the media’s "attacks" against Trump and Spicer, saying that Spicer was just giving “alternative facts.”  Quite a term, that. I think what she’s talking about has been called many things – propaganda, disinformation, brainwashing, and more, but it comes down to a very simple concept most people should understand. “Alternative facts” are LIES.

Mr. Trump seems to have a serious problem with realities he doesn’t like or don’t suit him. Gee, I’ve had lots of those, but like a mature adult I've learned to deal with reality. His supporters seem to think he’s going to mellow out in office, but there is zero sign of that so far. If anything, he’s worse.  And this whole thing about the crowd size was nothing but normal reporting of the event until Trump and his gang of liars purposely turned it into a big deal. Did no one show them the photographs?? Or is the obvious truth just so unpleasant they prefer to blatantly lie to exaggerate their false claims?  Here's another angle in case the first one wasn't clear:

Trump is still trying to prove he should be there, that he is smart enough and good enough. He’s still making up excuses (i.e., lies) about millions of illegal immigrants voting for Clinton, and that’s why he didn’t win the popular vote. Somebody should tell him that he IS the president, that he doesn’t have to campaign anymore, and that every effort to shout out how brilliant and smart and talented he is just keeps proving that he is actually none of that. He is an overgrown insecure bully still posturing to prove to himself that he has value. So sad. Pathetic, actually.

And if you voted for him, you are responsible for his lies and the damage he will cause to our nation, our freedoms, and our society. I will feel bad for you when the carnage he brings about slams into you and the rest of us. I hope you are well-prepared to lose your job, insurance, and social security, and for the tax increase that must come.

But after Saturday I feel encouraged for the first time since election day 2016. Trump has been a shameless misogynist throughout his life, well-documented in his TV career and its latest iteration, his presidential campaign. Saturday, women around the world responded with protests, many of them so large they easily topped the crowd attending Trump’s inauguration, falsely described by his press secretary as the “Largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period.”

Women and men came out in the cold, heat, rain, snow, and ice, from Antarctica to Alaska and Sweden, and on every continent, to say We aren’t afraid of you. We are numerous and powerful. We are standing up for the rights of ourselves, our friends, our neighbors, and our families. 

They came out with signs, slogans, pink hats, and courage to stand up to the new biggest bully in the world who has abused women and minorities his whole life, and to the forces that seem hell-bent on returning women and minorities to controlled, subservient roles, taking away basic civil rights that have been hard earned over decades.

The march drew at least half a million in Washington, D.C., and many other large US cities had marches numbering in the hundreds of thousands. Researchers reported 550 marches in towns and cities across the USA, and in another 100 cities around the world.  The estimated participation was between 3.6 to 4.6 million people in the US – the largest protest in United States history. (The Atlantic)

Our daughter Shannon lives in Austria, and was able to participate in the Women’s March in Vienna, where about 2500 people turned out on a clear, cold day (15F, -9C). We're proud of you Shannon - wish we could've been there with you! If there had been a march in the UAE Dana and I would have been there, but the closest to us was in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia!  

Which brings me back to the title. This massive action around the world, with women and men standing together in support of decency, human rights for women and minorities and immigrants, and for truth, gives me new hope for America and the world. This is a fantastically positive event, shining in the face of the darkness gathering around Trump (did you hear or read his inauguration address?? I've never in my life heard such a dismal, distressing, negative outlook on America!!)

So thank you, men and women around the world, for restoring my faith in us all! Keep shining, stay positive, and continue standing up for basic human dignity and what is right for all, not just right for a wealthy few.  The next protest march is already being planned!  I love you all! Mark

This image courtesy of Ken Fife.
Related links:

Women’s March Around the World in Pictures

Inauguration Crowd Size

Trump at War with Media

White House Briefing on Crowd Size

"All of This Space was Full':  A Photographic Fact Check

Professionalism, Propaganda, and the Press

#WomensMarch   #DishonestDon    #AlternativeFactsAreLies  #NotMyPresident   #unpresidented