Tuesday, July 4, 2017

American Independence Day

Happy 4th of July, the day America honors the nation's Founders for publicly standing up to the King of Great Britain, who had at his disposal one of history's greatest armies and navies.

This was truly one of the most amazing acts of treason, desperation, foolhardiness, courage, foresight, conviction, faith, and hope every committed. In case it's been a while, or you have never seen it, take a few minutes to read this awesome document, courtesy of the National Archives.

The Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776

Today, far too many politicians, who have obviously never read or considered the words written by these Giants, are far too quick to claim to speak the minds of the Founding Fathers. They embarrass themselves in their ignorance.

Such self-interested politicians should either stop doing so, or should actually study the history of our country and how it came to be, and learn what it means to stand up for what is right, to be honorable, to take a massive personal risk, and to work for something more important than themselves. It is a stunning tale of love, cruelty, drama, success, failure, passion, conviction, and determination, and the ending is still far from certain.

From the UAE, best to all on the anniversary of the birth of our nation! Mark

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 #4July  #IndependenceDay