Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Russian Threat

I spent a military career opposing the Soviet Union and, at the end of my service, Russia. You know, the Cold War. This was a very clear cut binary relationship - the USSR opposed whatever we did, and we countered. I think most Americans today have lost sight of that conflict, and the ongoing struggle between our nations, which I have not observed to decrease at all. It took us to the brink of nuclear war, and has now brought us to the edge of democracy having its throat cut.

The Russian government under Vladimir Putin is doing every non-military thing it can to undermine democracy in the world - break up NATO, destabilize Europe (Brexit), generate turmoil in the Mideast, remove democratic leaders, and so much more. Now Putin appears to have a willing, eager acolyte acting as a cheerleader, apologist, and sledgehammer for him – acting more like a lovesick schoolboy than the world leader he should be.

If you want to know what kind of man Mr. Putin is, and the world he came from, I can highly recommend a terrifying book - KGB: The Secret Work of Soviet Secret Agents (1974). Go to the library and check out a copy. Look in your local used book store! Buy it on Amazon if you must. I went to find my copy but I think I loaned it to someone years ago and never got it back. I will get another.
I am certain only three things have substantially changed since this amazing book was published - the USSR is now Russia, the KGB is now the GRU (yep, you've heard of them in the news every day lately), and active cyber warfare – hacking, and the use of social media manipulation – has been added to their bag of tools. Russia has been the bad guy in the world my entire life, and I don't believe that has changed at all today.

Red Storm Rising is another amazing book that illustrates the Soviet/Russian mindset. When this came out it was the most horrifyingly realistic fiction I’d ever read, because the story from start to finish was so terribly plausible. They made a lot of movies from Tom Clancy’s books, but they never did this one – maybe it’s time to look again!  Again, check your library, local bookstore, or Amazon for a copy.
Russia is the largest country on earth and dates back over 1500 years – they play a long, patient game. They hate us for their lost stature, our freedoms, our diversity, our weather, our resources and so much more. They will continue to do anything they can to destroy us, including continued manipulation of our elections to keep their orange faced pet clown in the U.S. presidency.

A little over half of the U.S. Congress has made it clear they have no interest in exercising the checks and balances required of them in the Constitution, so on November 6 we have the opportunity to vote for freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and the restoration of honor and integrity into our government, which has been stripped away by the current administration. 

We must be aware, vigilant, and aggressive in defending ourselves and our nation. Our "president" has made it clear he will not do so.