Sunday, November 17, 2013

Home and back again

Last night it rained. First time in 7 months since, the first week I was here, and I happened to be out in it. It had been cloudy all day, another first since I arrived. It wasn’t a giant rain, but I was out for a short walk around 8:30 p.m. when I felt the unexpected taps on my head and shoulders as the first drops fell. At the time it was about 75˚ F, and by the time I got back to my building I was fairly wet. It was a delightful walk!
Today it rained off and on most of the day, and is still doing so now. The forecast shows serious chances for rain over the next several days, and amazingly cool temperatures.  I really didn’t expect highs in the mid-70s in mid-November in Saudi Arabia, but I’ll take it!

Of course, none of that explains why I haven’t posted anything here for close to two months – sorry about that. Let’s say I've been busy! I’ve had a project at work that has consumed much of my energy for about 2 months, and at one point I worked 16 days straight, with only one week off the week before that stretch and one day after. Then I worked 8 days straight, left work, took a taxi to Bahrain, and got on a plane to go home for a week!
Had a nice set of flights (more on that in a few days) and got home Friday night to see Dana and Darby and it was wonderful to be home. Sadly, it was only for a week and then jetted my way back to the desert. It was a busy week, full of appointments, a few meetings, some good meals at favorite restaurants, and I even got to shoot a wedding!
It was an exhausting week but I’m so glad to have done it – got to spend some lovely time with my wonderful girls, and got a whole bunch of stuff done that now I don’t have to do at Christmas when I come for two weeks, and I’ll be able to relax and enjoy the time, and Shannon and David will be in from Montreal and I can’t wait to see them!
So I left to come back on Friday afternoon, and got back to my room at midnight Saturday night, just in time to get some rest and start back to work on Sunday. It was a whirlwind week, the kind that leaves you a little breathless but happy nonetheless! I've also taken a few pictures, so there's lots to catch up on here on the blog, and I promise to do so over the next few weeks in case anybody is still looking!

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