Wednesday, November 9, 2016

RIP America, 1776-2016

The election is over, and America has shot herself in the face. 
I am shocked, dismayed, amazed, and disgusted. A majority of voters in my nation voted in favor of misogyny, fear, buffoonery, stupidity, greed, oppression, racism, cheating, bigotry, lying, and hatred. You're seeing the successful completion of a 30-year GOP smear campaign against Hillary Clinton. I am sick to my core, and really don't know what kind of country I will come home to.

Despite the struggles and heartbreak and effort it has taken to get to this point in my life, I'm still a white male. Despite my personal disgust at the values, actions, and mindset of Trump and his voters, I will be fine. I'm afraid my dear friends who are black, LGBT, female, Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, and more will have big targets painted on them in January and it will be open season. Because Pandora's Box has been reopened, and it may be decades before it can be nailed shut again.

When George W. Bush “won” the election against Al Gore, with the massive help of a conservative Supreme Court, I was stunned and disappointed, but I never doubted he could do the job. Of course, all my worst fears and predictions about him came true, and it took President Obama years to undo much of the damage, and we’re still stuck in Bush’s wars of retribution with no way out, and still paying for them.  Trump? He has proven himself incompetent and unqualified for the job. If he does half the shit he has said he would do, I don’t think there will be a recovery for a generation. 

So who am I upset with for all this? 

First, the GOP, who while controlling both houses of Congress, made it their sole business to obstruct the President for 8 years, and to do so in lieu of making any attempt at governance. Then they sold the lazy, weak-minded, and ignorant on the idea that government is broken. Genius. Pure evil genius. Their pandering to the worst extreme elements of our society led directly to the results of this election. And the GOP have almost totally guaranteed to keep themselves in power through the very creative use of gerrymandering congressional districts. Brilliant! The only problem is they don’t really know how to govern any more, and for the past 8 years removed themselves from participating in the process. Unreal. I’m a big believer in an effective 2-party system, but it doesn’t work when one party just won’t play.

Second, the narrow-minded, tunnel-vision single issue voters who listened to Trump say anything he thought they wanted to hear. Take abortion, for example. Conservatives have been taught to think that liberals are out on the streets looking for pregnant women we can talk into having an abortion.  No, that’s just a favorite GOP fairy tale. Rather, we think that it is a woman’s right to make her own choice – you know, that “free will” thing religion talks about. Mr. Trump, until recently, also believed in the right to choose – until it benefitted him to change his mind. But this wasn’t a single-issue race. Focusing on your particular issue and hearing what you wanted to hear while blocking out every other piece of the mountain of evidence that this guy is a professional charlatan will cost all of us dearly.

Third, the media. Journalism can now be officially declared dead. In its place, we have tabloid sensationalism in search of profit. The media followed Trump around like a puppy follows its little kid, waiting for any scrap to fall.  He played them like a fiddle, and they treated him like a king from the beginning because he brought ratings. They would lose money if they factually reported on things, so they elevated all of the GOP’s lunatic ravings against Hillary into front page headline news. And they ignored or minimized all but the most egregious of Trump’s lies, exaggerations, crimes, court cases, tax issues, sexual assaults, bad temper, etc., etc., etc.  

Fourth, all of you Bernie voters who were so pissed off that he lost the primaries, and were determined to use your vote to make a statement by voting for one of the beyond-the-pale third party candidates rather than for Hillary.  Thanks a lot guys – once again your combined votes were the margin of difference between Trump and a totally qualified candidate. I hope you have many sleepless nights ahead as you ponder having wasted your vote after all.

Lastly, American fear, laziness, and stupidity. Unwilling or unable to read, research, and think for themselves, too many Americans are wide open to lies and fear-based rhetoric from a party that relies on it to lead their base.  Those voters are happy to have someone else to tell them what to think, what to do, who to be mad at, and how to vote. 

The UK recently voted for and approved Brexit – the UK withdrawal from the European Union. The next day the number one UK Google search was “What is Brexit?”  I’m afraid the US yearning for the good old days when white men were in charge and women were property and anyone who didn’t look like me was worth nothing is going to lead to a return to those days, and worse. Great for white American men, pretty horrible for everyone else.  I wonder how long before the reality and remorse set in for what American conservative voters have done to themselves and the rest of us.

I hoped we had improved as a society to a place where we could all share a voice, all take part, all contribute, all have opportunities. I was wrong.  Mr. Trump has continually expressed and demonstrated contempt for all those things, and for government, for the rule of law, for common decency and courtesy, for ethical behavior, for respect for anything but what he wants.  He has continually telegraphed his worst, most awful traits by trying to paint his opponent with those things (Crooked Hillary, she’s a liar, she should be in jail, etc.) Lately he’s been taunting at every opportunity that the election is rigged. We should believe him, and start investigating how he pulled this off.

This essay is not an invitation to an argument. I’m hoping to clear the turmoil in my head so I can sleep tonight. It’s been a long, disappointing, depressing sad day – I just cannot believe that America has elected this guy.  I need a strong drink. Final thought from one of my favorite presidents, eerily prescient and yesterday proven correct: 
     “America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter, and lose our freedoms,
       it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” - Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President


  1. Actually you are wrong. The majority did NOT want Trump. The opposition was fragmented into three Parties. Most Americans voted AGAINST Trump.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. My apologies. It's an understatement to say my emotions were out of whack yesterday. You're absolutely right.

  2. Apparently Mr. Bath is technically correct - new news since I posted this says Hillary won the popular vote, but the archaic electoral college gives the win to Drumpf. History repeats.
