Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Night strike!

I do love it when the universe validates my decisions, even if sometimes it's more of a surprise than you care to have! MANY years ago I had a motorcycle I bought from my best friend's dad (thanks Jack!!). One day I was on the highway, driving the speed limit which at the time was a fearsome 55 mph! (how did you handle such speed?? you're probably wondering!)  Anyway, suddenly I saw something coming at my head, but before I could do anything about it (remember the awesome speed - ooohh) "it" struck me right between my left temple and and the open edge of the helmet. It shook me for a second, then I realized that "it" was moving right behind my ear inside the helmet!!  Let's say I executed an emergency-stop-and-rip-the-helmet-off-my-head maneuver only to find a still struggling bumble bee. Whoa. No goggles, no face shield, but wonderfully lucky!

The resulting decision was to never ride any kind of fast, open, motorized vehicle without something to protect my eyes, and I have never deviated from that rule. So when I got my scooter almost ready for the road I knew I needed something for my eyes. The helmet I inherited with the scooter is ok, but there is no visor or face shield - definitely not the Shui helmet I had a long time ago (full face coverage with flip up visor). I don't like goggles - they obstruct my vision too much - so I found a good pair of clear safety glasses to use.

This evening after work I came back to my room too tired to focus on anything, and I don't nap very well, so I got on the scooter for a little exploration - which usually means ride around to a place I can go scramble in the rocks.  It was quite dark, but there is very little traffic on camp at night, and suddenly it was deja vu all over again. I was going 40 kph (about 25 mph) and I saw something coming toward me. It hit just barely on the right side of my nose, right at the bridge of the safety glasses, rolled right across the lens and disappeared. I don't even know what it was.

If the bee all those years ago had hit an inch or so closer to my nose it would have taken out my eye. Without the safety glasses tonight I'd probably still be in the ER tonight trying to see.
Good decision, eh?

So then I found a place to scramble in the rocks and other things, so here are two pictures for the night. One is on a fairway of the golf course. They have 9 holes lit every night until 10 p.m., and I was surprised nobody was out there tonight because it was very pleasant.

The next picture is on the jabel (stony hill) just east and above the golf course, and the rock and I are lit up by the golf course lights! Even in a grainy iPhone shot that's a lot of light.

Third shot is to show off something I found at the commissary last night. I've always loved peanut butter, and in the past few years have bought organic PB - nothing but nuts. All I've been able to find here til now was the normal, full of sugar and extra stuff Jif and Skippy and "peanut spread" made here. Didn't try the local stuff, and Jif is too sweet (although, as the empty jar below indicates, still better than nothing!). But I found this one and tried it tonight with crackers - perfect!! It was expensive, but worth it.  Best to all, more soon!

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