Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Autumn in the Air

Ah, it's wonderful, fall is. The leaves turning colors, the air cool and crisp, sweaters and jackets, and the sound of a football stadium cheering! No, of course none of that is here in KSA, but I do believe the weather has turned.

I got here in April, and there were occasional 100+ days. By mid may every day had a high over 100. In July every day had a high over 110!

Of course it was hot, but it was always doable. 115 was a fairly normal midday high. The air was amazingly dry, though, and there was always a reasonable wind to whisk away perspiration and heat. The wind came in from the west and the north, that is off the desert. It brought sand and grit and dust that gets everywhere, and covers every surface. As the sun sank into the afternoon haze it started to cool off and 95-100 felt very nice!

In August the wind turned Easterly, which meant it came in off the Persian Gulf - laden with moisture and oppressively humid. Here's a hint: if you've ever been to Shreveport, New Orleans, or Houston in the summertime you have a pretty fair idea.  Of course, the high was still 110+ every day. Some folks here take very inventive routes to minimize their steps outside. Of course, I'm crazy so I continued to take a walk every day after lunch. Sorry, but I decided before I got here I was not going to let the weather control what I do. Doesn't mean I'm careless or hazardous - I've got too much AF safety officer still in me to take silly risks.

In the past three weeks weeks the temperatures have begun a lovely and noticable trend toward cooler highs.  First, we had a 10-day forecast with every day's high below 110. Yesterday's forecast showed today's high to be 100, and in fact the high was 99 - the first daily high below 100 since early June.

All in all it's been easily tolerable. Long-term folks here have said this was a very mild summer, and I have no reason to doubt them. Some of these guys have been here from 5 years to 25 and more! I'm glad to have had this one first, and expect next summer to be a real barn burner if I'm here. For now I'm looking forward to continued cooler temps and see what fall here is like!

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