Saturday, September 14, 2013

On the Run

I posted a few months ago about taking pictures of a running group here, and that I ran a tiny bit to get some in-motion shots of the athletes.  I was ungainly, to say the least, but I got some very good shots - spread out below are some I haven't posted before.
 Nonetheless I've always loved to run. As a kid I ran and took joy in it. But as I aged it became hard and I just didn't have the wind for it and could never get to a place of comfort running any distance at all. The Air Force had an annual fitness test of running 1.5 miles in, seems like, 30 minutes (someone please correct this - I really don't remember) and I always had trouble with it, even when I was young and strong and in great shape! My final hurdle to graduating from pilot training was completing the 1.5 mile run, and I did in on the last day that I could, and only made it because my classmates pushed, pulled, yelled, encouraged, threatened, and supported me - thanks Schatzi!!

Over the years I've banged myself up a bit - a twisted knee here, a hyper-extended foot there, crutches off and on - and I pretty much gave up trying to run because every time I did, it hurt! But I never stopped thinking about it, and I still dream about it, and I'm always flying along and it is joyful and feels wonderful and effortless.

So last night I did something crazy and went for a run just after sunset. Now, please don't picture me heading out for a 5K or anything, it was more like an intermittent jog. And I gave myself every benefit I could - I walked to a certain place, allowing me to warm up, and then the "run" segment was slightly downhill. I ran on a broad sidewalk along a major road, and jogged between streetlights, then walked between the next pair, etc. Something like 75 meters at a stretch.  Jog, walk, jog, walk, and did that about 5 times and figured I'd had enough.

And I found out my knees and ankles were just fine. But after aggressive walking for the past 5 months (yes, it's been that long!) I still have no wind for running. And it was hard. I mean I have a lot of mass to move, and of course it all just be forced upward and pound down with each step, but every time I go out and do it there will be less of me than before, and my wind will improve a little at a time. I'm going to keep going for this because I'm very interested in taking better care of my body so it will be able to take care of me longer, and to see if I can get to a point of doing this because I enjoy it.

When I got back to my room I checked, and the temp was 100, with heat index of 108, which is so normal now that I didn't even think to look before I went out!

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