Tuesday, August 19, 2014

More Heat!

Ok, this will be short and quick, just an update to yesterday's post. Today was even worse! Here's a look at today's temps. At 0700 when I walked to work the temp was 90 and the heat index was 115. Not too bad.  Through the day it went up and down as the humidity level changed. When I walked at lunch the heat index was 112, and at 1600 (4 p.m.) the heat index was 124:

Wow that felt HOT. But at 2130 (9 p.m.) it was truly sweltering! With temp of 99 and humidity of 63%, the heat index was 128.

The AC struggles to keep up with it, and they do AC on an industrial scale over here! When you walk out the door it doesn't just take your breath, it pretty much slams your whole body. It presses in on you because the air is so heavy! The ambient temp is supposed to reach 108 tomorrow with similar humidity - can't wait to see what happens!

Just thought I'd share.  How's your weather?  :)

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