Monday, August 25, 2014

Product Tracking - Be careful what you talk about

Dana and I were fortunate enough to get to spend two weeks together earlier this month - a lovely trip that took us to Great Britain, a couple of North Atlantic islands, Iceland, and Norway, and gave us some much needed time together! More on the trip later.

My birthday was a month before we met at Heathrow Airport in London. I don't trust that things sent to me here are going to reach me here, so she brought my present and gave it to me in London.  I love watches, among other thing mechanical, and have quite a few. Sadly, my skin has changed over the last decade or so and the metal in the bands and/or case breaks me out pretty badly, so I rarely wear my watches any more.

Dana found a watch that is cased and banded with wood! How delightful is that? My new watch is enclosed in walnut, looks great, fits perfectly, and is light as a feather! The company, Jord Wood Watch, enclosed a nice little card that said, in effect, post pictures of your watch out in the world, tag it with #jordwoodwatch, and be eligible for monthly prizes.

Earlier this week I did just that on Facebook.  I do not Tweet, but I added the hashtag, as requested, at the end of my post showing my watch in Greenwich, England, at the marker for the prime meridian (we took pictures of this cool watch all through our trip!) Here's the shot:

Now, I've seen the effect on web pages I visit after I search for something on Amazon - the item I searched for will likely show up in a few places over the next few days.  Quite a different response with this - that hashtag thing must be powerful.  Almost any website I look at has an ad for Jord watches. On Facebook, on Youtube, on the weather site I prefer, all over the place. Little popup ads, great big banner ads, small sidebar ads, and they seem to be increasing!

So the moral of this is: they are out there, and they are watching your keystrokes. They are monitoring your searches, deciphering your wants, watching for your needs, predicting what you will wish for next, so they can SELL you something!! No, not Jord - they just sell wood watches (which I do highly recommend!!). I mean every marketer and website and manufacturer with a budget for social media marketing is aggressively tracking everything you do, see, search and shop for online.

To be honest, I can't decide if I feel more amused or threatened by this.  Is it a great opportunity for the great marketing machine in the web to do my shopping for me? Or is big brother standing right behind the marketing guys taking in a whole 'nother batch of information to keep track of everyone?  I just don't know.  

Just be aware. This is going on very quietly, without most people realizing every move they make is being tracked. And apparently Facebook's Messenger app for smart phones is the worst - but that's another tale.

For now, here's another watch shot! #jordwoodwatch #Geirangerfjord (more on this later!!)


  1. But at least you might win a monthly prize!! Especially with gorgeous shots like those. Lovely watch and backdrops!
