Friday, July 5, 2013

Noon flowers

I read an article a few weeks ago that taking a short walk, 10 to 15 minutes, after a meal was a beneficial thing to do, as good or better than a single, aggressive 45-minute workout, and would do nice things like keep your sugar levels even. I was pretty pleased to read this, taking it as confirmation that my decision to take a short walk every day after lunch was good for me.

There are several eating options here on camp at midday, and I usually finish and stroll around the campus after eating. Yesterday flowers started popping out at me so I just took advantage of the camera build into my iPhone and captured a few of them.  This first image caught my eye almost immediately - the flowers are tiny, less than half an inch across, and a delicate shade of pink, not very well captured in the brilliant noon sun, but here they are anyway!

 A little further on was a bush about head high, and these blooms were right at the top. This was just next to a building built in the mid-1940s as an admin building, of classic stone architecture, and which is still in use.  It's a handsome building, and I'm told it was build by WWII POWs, but I haven't been able to verify it. I'd take a picture to show you, but they do frown on that.
These pretty flowers were next to the main, brand new Aramco headquarters building, and are probably better cared for than most people's houses. They have a small army of gardeners and caretakers that they bring in from Indonesia, the Philippines, India, and all over the world to maintain the grounds, and these guys do a great job.

Last shot, this bunch was right next to a beautiful fountain behind the old admin building, which has been condemned and remodeled multiple times, and is still in use pending destruction. These guys were right in the spray area from the fountain (most days are windy!) and they seem to like it there!

Just for reference, it was right at noon, and the sun was directly overhead with a temperature of 110F! All these were taken within ten minutes of each other.  Here is a shot to demonstrate the position of the sun at noon - notice the almost centered shadow from the overhead sun.

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