Monday, April 22, 2013

Bits & Pieces

Hello all! I know it's been a few days, and I have a lot of things to write about, but it's been kind of an off balance week, so today I've got a few short topics to touch on, more tomorrow!  These are pretty mundane, but hopefully they'll still be of interest.

Birds. I know, not what you expect to hear about on a blog like this, but I'm pretty fond of birds, and as a pilot I really appreciate their marvelous skill in the air. I'm familiar with many species at home, but there are lots of new ones here. There's some kind of swift - long, slim, quick and maneuverable as they flash about after bugs in the twilight. There's one with a raucous voice that at first I thought was a big mockingbird, but the pattern is a bit different and these guys are way too big. There are large birds that soar, and I'm sure they are related to the ones I know, but I still can't identify them for certain, and there are loads of sparrow-like little guys that flit here and there, and hop around in the grass outside the dining hall hoping for tidbits!The one that is probably sure to be found around the globe is here too - the dove. And they are loud!

Green! I can see the desert from the top floor of my building - it fairly startling, actually, because there's stuff and buildings and roads and then - nothing! It all just stops and sand begins. This will take some getting used to. All around the camp, though, are nicely kept green spaces that are most pleasant to the eye and senses! Here are a few I've snapped with my eye phone!
 above is a courtyard outside the dining hall.
 a flower near the commissary (sideways, I know, tired of fighting to make it upright!!)
 a garden area above the dining patio where I had lunch today! (also sideways - sorry!)
one of many greenspaces created inside a highway access loop

Networking. Folks, we don't know how good we have it in the west, for so many reasons! One of them is the ability to get online. In my not-too-big hometown you can go into most grocery stores, malls, restaurants, coffee shops, etc. and get free wifi. And at home, while it isn't blistering fast (we live a little way out from town!), we still have reliable high speed internet access and a 24/7 wireless modem so we can connect, for the most part, anywhere and anytime. This place is different! There's wireless internet access in my hotel, which has been a blessing since I've been here. My work was the subject of a cyber attack two years ago, so there is no wifi on camp, part of the protect-the-system response. Internet access is not, in general, available. So if you want it you have to carry it around with you. I bought a mobile hotspot on Amazon before I left home, which is a darling little pocket-size device to create my own little wifi zone. I had to buy a SIM card from a local wireless carrier, and as soon as I can convince the SIM card to talk to the internet I'll have access whenever I need it, which will be helpful when I move on camp in a few days. Oh, the joys of travel!

Weather. I know what you're thinking, the desert is horrible! It's HOT! True, but so far the weather has been delightful and I've tried to walk or do something outside every day. Last week we had a high of 99, but with ultra-low humidity it still felt very comfortable. Today the high was 87 and it felt cool! One of the buildings near mine has a cafeteria with an outdoor patio and a group of us had lunch outside today - so nice! The mild weather is in the forecast for the next week or so, but we are apparently overdue for a change. I'm told that last year by this time it was already consistently in the 100s, and there was a series of dust storms in April. I will enjoy this while I can!!

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