Sunday, April 14, 2013

Etihad from Chicago!!

Once we got out of XNA the flight to Chicago was pretty routine, and we arrived with plenty of time for me to make my next flight. Maybe not plenty of time, because there was none to spare, but I made it! I did have to change terminals and go through security again at the international terminal, a process I resent for its hypocrisy, but won't get into that here. I thought I'd have time to get a bite to eat but that didn't work out either. I did have time to call Dana and have a quick chat before they called for boarding. The rest of this post is what I wrote on the flight - hope you like it!

Apr 10, 2013 part 1

I am at 42,000 feet altitude in a Boeing 777, the largest twin-engine transcontinental passenger jet in the world. It is 10 pm, and dinner will be served soon - I've ordered the Arabic mezzo (appetizer), the grilled beef tenderloin with potatoes and leeks, and raspberry cheesecake for dessert I've already enjoyed a glass of the Glenlivet (scotch, neat in a chilled glass. Perfect). The scotch was accompanied by a nutty duo - toasted, seasoned cashews and almonds together in a delightful blend of texture and flavor.

I'm flying business class on Etihad Airline, and I think it will prove to be an experience I’ll not soon forget!

I started out the trek from northwest Arkansas Regional Airport on an American Airlines flight. As a pilot I appreciate the nimble little jet that took me thought clouds, rain, and storms to Chicago, but in an age of super-sized Americans (me included) it seemed like a toy with too-small seats. I had to stand up to get a piece of paper from my pocket!

The business-class seat on Etihad is quite an improvement. It includes an inflight entertainment system with maps, movies, tv shows, news and more. If I decide not to sleep on the 14-hour flight to Abu Dhabi I can easily entertain myself with the selection of current movies! I think, though, that i must test my seat, which at the touch of a button rearranges itself into a 6'1" bed. It'd be nice to get some sleep on a plane.

It will have to wait a little while, though, because I've just finished dinner and it was lovely! The appetizer medley was interesting and tasty, even the black and green olives which I won't eat at home - too salty. The steak was perfectly cooked (medium rare, of course, tender, juicy, and topped with a tasty sauce. I learned tonight that red wine with the right food can be very good, in this case a French Bordeaux that perfectly complemented the beef and potatoes. And I hate red wine.

According to the moving map display we've passed Toronto and Montreal and are just about to coast out over the Atlantic.  It's been a long day, but it's exciting to finally be on my way.

I'm on this trip to experience everything I can, and may be off to a good start. I don't know what I'll do with what I write, but I'm sure I'll figure something out. Foe now I think I'll plug in my earphones and choose a movie to watch - the Hobbit? Skyfall? I will let you know.


  1. We were waving to you from Montreal! Also, I love Bordeaux wine - I've rarely had the opportunity to drink it, but I always enjoy it. Sounds like a perfect match for your fancy dinner!

  2. I wish I could've seen you wave! I couldn't but I was thinking of you and David! I've read of how wine and food produce the perfect combination, but this was the first time I've ever experienced and it was startling and wonderful! We'll have to try it at your place sometime! <3
