Monday, April 15, 2013

On the Ground in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi is in the United Arab Emirates. This was the final stop on the way to Dammam. Here are the notes I made after a couple of hours on the ground! It was almost dark when we landed, and by the time I took off again it was pitch dark. The architecture is amazing - here are a few pics I borrowed from the web! The top image is the air traffic control tower - very cool structure.

So, back to the trip; by now it was late at night on 4/11/13:

Had a quick turnaround at Abu Dhabi, but it was efficient and helpful.  I was able to find the Etihad Airlines lounge and took advantage of its hospitality.  In 30 minutes I was able to text with my sweetie to let her know my status and that I love her (very important!), take a potty break, take a shower and change clothes, and get a light snack. They had a full buffet laid out but I didn't want to eat anything heavy - I wasn't really hungry since the previous flight, but they had fresh sushi so I enjoyed a few pieces.

It was now just a few minutes before my boarding time so I headed out of the lounge. On my way I commented to the hostesses at the front desk that if I'd had another ten minutes I could have gotten a massage!  They checked the schedule, said I still had time, and led me to the spa. The attendant said there were no appointments available but that I could get a chair massage. After getting reassurances that I'd make the flight, I said ok and stepped down the hall to a small dim room with a big recliner-like chair. 

I sat down and the lady made some adjustments and said she'd be back in 15 minutes. The chair then started to work over every inch of my backside from my heels to my neck. It was terrific - felt like five pairs of strong hands kneading, rolling, squeezing and massaging my muscles. I've been in massage chairs before but nothing like this!

When the 15 minutes was up I hoisted my backpack and headed for my gate. I didn't know it would be a 5 minute walk plus ten minutes to go through security again. Got to the gate and was loaded onto a bus, and then waited nearly 15 minutes to actually go. Pulled up to the plane at departure time, but there were only 25 of us, so it didn't take long to pile in and get seated.

The flight was only about an hour, but they managed to squeeze in water, fresh orange juice, and a warm snack assortment which included a sandwich made from a small roll with slices of thick smoked turkey; a stuffed date; some small tuna-based mix; a fruit and custard tart in a pastry shell; and a bowl of wonderfully light chocolate mousse.

Now I'm where I've spent the last 45 minutes, in the immigration line in Dammam Airport. I was very hopeful that being on a mostly empty plane, and being the second one off would be advantageous. Sadly, one or two jumbo jets must have arrived just before us because when I turned the corner into the giant room I saw 18 lines of people, full from the front of the room to the back. I guess 75 people per line.

One official has been constantly working the line, trying to redirect travelers to the correct line. I was thinking me must be messing with us, because it seemed like he'd tell folks in one line to move to another one, then a little while later make a loud call for this type of visa to move to a line they'd just changed from a little while  earlier. I do like him now though, after he came over to me, asked for my passport, and then directed me to the shortest line. You know, the one I started in but switched out of 30 minutes ago!

Next will be baggage claim and customs - can’t wait to see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. They had a full buffet laid out but I didn't want to eat anything heavy - I wasn't really hungry since the previous flight, but they had fresh sushi so I enjoyed a few pieces.

    Khalifa City A
