Monday, March 10, 2014

Art Show All Done

The art show is finished (well, a few days ago now! it's already a busy week) and I have somewhat mixed feelings about it.  On the whole, I'm very pleased to have participated and grateful to have some good images to submit. Still, photographs were treated as pretty second rate, and were posted in a an unannounced, unmarked second room down a dark hallway, so there was not much traffic through "my" room.

The artists reception Thursday evening was pleasant enough - lots of people came by to look, and my display was really quite well received. I had many lovely comments, lots of questions, many more suggestions on local places that I must go shoot (and some of them I will try to do so!!). I got a lot of attention Thursday evening. I also won a prize.

My shot of the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles (below) was awarded 3d place in photography, so I'm very pleased with that!  My friend and co-worker Mike Thomas got 2d place for a photo he shot in Portugal, and first place was a very dark, grim image of a little girl that looked like it could be the poster for a horror movie - I really don't know what they were thinking with that one!

The event was also a sale, which was the true disappointment. In the photo room, with I'm guessing 200 images displayed, only 4 were marked as sold at the end of the weekend. There were some very nice pieces in there and I'm really stunned that nothing sold.  But I'll get over it and am not worrying it, and will enjoy my wall art while I'm here - I have a lovely assortment I can rotate through my cubicle!!

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