Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Saudi Rainy Day

Woke up this morning to the sound of thunder. Hmmm, that wasn't in the forecast. Looked outside to see a serious rain coming down, and me without an umbrella. Oh well, some days you're just gonna get wet on the way to work.  I put on my windbreaker and hat and headed off for the 10 minute walk, which was, of course, directly into the wind. Got there not quite soaked, but plenty damp.

It's funny, most of the Westerners were scowling at the rain, but the Saudis were all smiles! Any day of rain here is a good day and brings good moods.  So we enjoyed a lovely cool, cloudy, rainy day and I dried off after about an hour. My jacket took a bit longer, but by the time I left this afternoon it was dry as well.

I know, this is not the most exciting bit of  information you'll get today, but it doesn't happen very often here, so I thought it worth reporting! And the plants all loved it and will benefit from it. They normally get briny water pumped up from wells - remember we are right next to the Arabian Gulf - so a day of fresh water is good for everything!

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